Email, SMS or print sales

The quickest way to get your invoices in front of your customers is via email. But you can also download PDFs of your invoices that you can save or print. You can do this when you create the invoice, or any time afterwards.

You can also email or print multiple invoices at once. This is great if you use recurring invoices or if you like to send your invoices in a batch on a particular day of the week.

Emailing an invoice

You can email an invoice directly from MYOB Business at the time you create it, or you can send it later. If you prefer to send your invoices in a batch, you can send multiple invoices at once.

Using online payments?

If you use online payments, you can send your customer an SMS notification when you email them an invoice. See the steps in 'Sending an invoice link via SMS', below.

Email an invoice at the time you create it

When you email an invoice, it'll be sent directly from MYOB and a PDF of the invoice will be attached to the email. The email also has a link to view the invoice online. If you've set up online invoice payments, customers will be able to make an immediate payment—straight from the online invoice.

Send an online invoice link

If you don't want to email the invoice directly from MYOB, just click View PDF > Copy Link and send the copied link however you like. Learn more.

  1. If you haven't already, create the invoice.
  2. From the Share menu, click Email invoice.

Example invoice with share clicked and email invoice option shown

Add CC email address to a customer You can also add a CC email address to the customer's details — see Adding customers.

  1. Select the Send SMS option.
  2. Choose the customer's Mobile number (if it has been entered into the customer's contact record), or enter a valid mobile number here.

Email an invoice with SMS option selected

If you open the invoice again, the Activity history (at the bottom of the invoice) shows the invoice has been Emailed. This activity will also show when the customer has viewed the email.

*SMS is provided by a third party service, SMS Global (read their Terms and Conditions). SMS is included as part of online payments – you don't need to sign up to SMS Global separately.

Email multiple invoices

You can send invoices to several customers at the same time.

  1. Go to the Sales menu >Invoices to open the Invoices page.
  2. Select one or more invoices to email.
  3. Click the Email button.

Can't see the Email button? You need to select one or more invoices to make it appear.

MYOB Business checks that each customer has an email address. If they don't, you'll see a message and a warning icon next to the invoice:

Example warning showing one or more customers does not have an email address

  1. Click the name of the customer to open their record.
  2. Enter an email address in the Email field and click Save.
  3. Refresh the Invoices page and repeat from step 2.

Printing an invoice

You can print an invoice at the time you create, which is handy if you want to check how it will look for the customer. You can also print multiple invoices later. When you print an invoice, it appears in a new browser tab. From there you can print it using the print function in your browser.

Print an invoice at the time you create it

  1. If you haven't already, create the invoice or open an existing invoice (Sales menu >Invoices > click to open the invoice). Need help finding an invoice?
  2. From the Share menu, click Print PDF.

From the Share menu, click Print PDF

Example PDF invoice shown in a web browser with the print button highlighted

Send an online invoice link

Make it easier for your customers to view and pay your invoices by sending them an online invoice link. From the Share menu, click Copy link and send it to them however you like. Learn more.

Print multiple invoices

Not available in AccountRight browser. If you use AccountRight, you can print multiple invoices in your AccountRight desktop software

You can generate PDFs for multiple invoices at the same time, which you can then save or print.

  1. Go to the Sales menu >Invoices to open the Invoices page.
  2. Select one or more invoices to email.
  3. Click the Print PDF button. If you can't see the Print PDF button, make sure you've selected at least one invoice. Also, this button isn't available for AccountRight files accessed in a web browser.

Example Invoices page with 3 invoices selected and print PDF button highlighted

Your invoice PDFs appear in a new browser tab. From here you can download or print the invoices using the icons in your browser.

Downloading an invoice

If you need to save an invoice for your records, share it or attach it to an email, you can download the invoice as a PDF.

Download a PDF invoice

  1. If you haven't already, create the invoice or open an existing invoice (Sales menu >Invoices > click to open the invoice). Need help finding an invoice?
  2. From the Share menu, click Download PDF.

From the Share menu click Download PDF

Sending an invoice link via SMS

Only available if you've set up online payments

Another way of getting an invoice in front of your customer is to send them an invoice link via SMS. You can do this when you email an invoice or you can send an SMS link on its own.

Send an invoice link via SMS when you email an invoice

When you email an invoice, you can also choose to send a link to the online invoice via SMS. When the customer clicks the link in the SMS message, it'll open their online invoice in a web browser.

  1. If you haven't already, create the invoice. If it's an existing invoice, go to Sales >Invoices and click the invoice to open it. Help me find the invoice.
  2. From the Share menu, click Email invoice.

Example invoice with share clicked and email invoice option shown

Email an invoice with SMS option selected and highlighted

Send an invoice link via SMS separately

  1. From the Share menu, choose SMS invoice.

From the Share menu, choose SMS invoice

SMS invoice page

If you need to view the contact's details, click View contact to open the contact in a separate browser tab.

Provide a receipt

If a customer has paid you via online payments, they receive an email notification that they have paid. In their online invoice, the Pay Now button changes to View Receipt – they can click this to view or download the receipt. Otherwise, when a customer makes a payment, you can provide them a copy of the invoice (showing the payment) as a receipt.

Emailing and printing quotes and sales orders

You can email or print a quote or sales order at the time you create it, or later by going to the Sales menu > Quotes or Sales orders and clicking the number to open it. You can also resend or reprint quotes and sales orders.

Email or print a quote

To email a quote or sales order:

  1. Click Email quote or Email sales order.
  2. If an email address has been saved for the customer, it appears in the To field—you can change this if you want. If no email address exists, enter one in the To field.
  3. If you want to email additional recipients, you can:
    1. click + Email and enter additional To recipients
    2. click + Add CC email and enter an email address in the CC field
    1. click and drag files into the Drag files to upload section
    2. click browse for files and select files to upload.

    To print or download a quote or sales order:

    1. Click Preview in a quote or View PDF in a sales order.
    2. Choose the template that'll be used for the PDF. Templates define the look and feel of your PDFs. (You can set up your sales templates in Sales settings.)
    3. Click View for a quote (or Export for a sales order) to open a preview of the quote PDF in a new tab. You can then print or download the PDF using the options in the PDF or your browser:

    Download or print the quote using the options in the PDF or your browser


    How do I change the default email message?

    Set up your email defaults in the invoice and quote settings (click the settings menu (⚙️) > Sales settings > Email defaults tab).

    For all the details see Set up default emails.

    What do emailed (online) invoices look like to my customers?

    The email your customers receive will have a View invoice button. When they click it, they'll see the invoice details and options to download a PDF of the invoice or print it. This is also what they'll see if you've sent them a link to an online invoice.

    If you've also set up online invoice payments (Australia only), your customer will also be able to click Pay now in the online invoice to make a payment.

    Arrow leading from the view invoice button to an example online invoice

    What phone numbers can I send an invoice SMS to?

    You can send an SMS with a link to the online invoice to any valid mobile phone number. When you select the Send SMS option in the Email invoice window, you'll be able to choose any mobile phone numbers stored in the customer's billing or shipping address, or key in a number yourself:

    Mobile number field when you email an invoice

    Manually entered numbers

    If you key in an SMS number, it won't be added to the customer. You'll need to update the customer if you want to retain this number.