Lawrence lessig free culture presentation

Creative Commons founder and Stanford professor Lawrence Lessig is giving his final presentation on Free Culture, Copyright and the future of ideas at Stanford’s Memorial Auditorium on January 31st, 2008 from 1pm-2pm. After 10 years of enlightening and inspiring audiences around the world with multi-media presentations that inspired the Free Culture movement, Professor Lessig is moving on from the copyright debate and setting his sights on corruption in Washington.

Lessig is giving a final talk at Stanford University on the subject, and it is being recorded for the upcoming feature film “Basement Tapes”, an open source documentary (see

Event is free to the public. Everyone is welcome.
You can RSVP here.

  1. Please welcome back from its slumber
  2. Legally Speaking 3/19/2009
  3. Lessig + Fairey + Johnson @ NYPL 2/26/09
  4. Remix Book Talk – SF – 1/14/09
  5. Personal Democracy Forum 2008
  6. Final Free Culture Talk
  7. Heather Gold Show
  8. Creative Commons & Mozilla Party